Application for Admission to J-TAS Association

I (we) hereby assent to the mission of J-TAS, and would like to submit this application for admission
with a written pledge.

Please fill in all the items using regular English alphabets, avoid using any particular letters unique to your language such as ñ, ö, œ, β.

Fields marked with an * are mandatory

Date (mm/dd/yyyy)* / /

Write full address including country name and zip code

Company Name*

Write out full name without abbreviations

Representative Executive*
(print Title and Name)

An executive person with decisive power.
Must provide both title and name.

(signature on printout form) (Sign on a printout)

The above items you filled in will automatically appear in relevant entry columns below.

1. Nature of business (every applicable intended entity of document preparation: see attachment1)*

Select every applicable business manner

2. Factory or office of the intended entity of document preparation

Write out each and every office and factory without abbreviations

Name of factory or office*
Nature of business*

Manner of what a factory or office does, e.g. refining down & feathers, or documentation of shipping down & feathers

Name of factory or office
Nature of business
Name of factory or office
Nature of business

3. Company information

Company name*
Head office*(Address)
Representative executive*




Including country code number


Write when available

Web page URL

Write when available

Product line*

Commercial product name, e.g. processed down & feathers, raw down & feathers

Main sale destination in Japan*

Name of companies and/or organizations in Japan, to which you sell your products

Date of foundation*

When you started business as corporation

Capital stock*

Capital stock regardless of listing of the stock

Annual sales Fiscal Year 
Actual achievement  thousand US dollars

Provide the most recent fiscal year figure in US dollars.
Annual sales amount shall be presented in unit of thousand dollars.

Responsible person for
down & feathers*

A person who is responsible for your down & feather products.
Must provide both title and full name

Number of employees* Total* 

Total number must include part-time jobbers

(Number of part-timers )

Provide the number of pet-time jobbers as well

4. Contact person

Full name*

A person whom J-TAS Association and/or JBA can reach


Phone number of contact person, including the country code number


Write when available


E-mail address of the contact person
